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Terms & Conditions


Internetveikala lietošanas noteikumi

Šie Lietošanas noteikumi ir neatņemama distances līguma sastāvdaļa, ko puses, pamatojoties uz klienta pasūtījumu, noslēdz mūsu tiešsaistes tirdzniecības vietā Lietošanas noteikumos ietvertie pienākumi ir obligāti. Šo Lietošanas noteikumu pārkāpšana var veidot pamatu distances līguma izbeigšanai. Līgums ir spēkā neierobežotu laika periodu.

Veicot pasūtījumu, klients apliecina, ka ir izlasījis, sapratis un piekrīt Lietošanas noteikumiem. Klientam nav atļauts pasūtīt preces no mūsu tiešsaistes tirdzniecības vietas ja klients nav izlasījis un piekritis Lietošanas noteikumiem.

  1. Termini
  • MoselWeins  – tiešsaistes tirdzniecības vietai īpašnieks ir SIA "MozelWeins", reģistrācijas Nr. 40103686110, licences Nr.: MT00000012280, juridiskā adrese: Elvīras iela 16, Rīga, LV-1083, kas piedāvā un pārdod preces klientam savas saimnieciskās darbības laikā saskaņā ar šiem lietošanas noteikumiem;
  • Klients – fiziska vai juridiska persona, kas pasūta preces MozelWeins, kura ir sasniegusi 18 gadus vecumu un kurai ir neierobežota tiesībspēja, lai varētu stāties līgumattiecībās ar MozelWeins;
  • MOZELWEINS  - tiešsaistes tirdzniecības vieta, kuru klients izmanto pasūtījuma veikšanai;
  • Piegāde - klienta pasūtīto preču piegāde uz adresi, kas ir norādīta klienta pasūtījumā;
  • Rīga un pierīga – Rīga, Kalngale, Carnikava, Garciems, Garupe, Kadaga, Baltezers, Ādaži, Līči, Upeslejas, Mežezeri, Annuška, Ulbroka, Upesciems, Sunīši, Langstiņi, Mucenieki, Salaspils, Krogsils, Baloži, Olaine, Ķekava, Medamciems, Jaunolaine, Jaunmārupe, Mārupe, Tīraine, Mežāres, Babīte, Sēbruciems, Piņķi, Beberi un Babīte.


  1. Pasūtīšana

2.1. Klients var izmantot MOZELWEINS pakalpojumus un pasūtīt preces kā viesis. Veicot pasūtījumu Klientam ir jāsniedz šāda informācija: vārds, uzvārds, telefona numurs, epasta adrese un precīza piegādes adrese.

2.2. Veicot preču pasūtīšanu Klients ir atbildīgs par patiesas un pareizas informācijas sniegšanu.

2.3. Paziņojumi par pasūtījuma izpildi (piemēram, pasūtījuma apstiprinājums, rēķins, pasūtījuma atcelšana, u.tml.) Klientam tiks nosūtīti neatkarīgi no tā, ka izvēlējās nesaņemt paziņojumus un piedāvājumus, jo šie paziņojumi ir nepieciešami pasūtījumu izpildei un Klienta informēšanai par pasūtījuma statusu.

2.4 Klientu personas dati tiks izmantoti pasūtījuma veikšanai un piegādei, rēķina dokumentācijas sagatavošanai, pārmaksātā daudzuma un atpakaļ nosūtīto preču summas atmaksai, finanšu saistību administrēšanai un citām saistībām, kas izriet no šiem Lietošanas noteikumiem un distances līguma, kā arī citu SPIRITS & WINE sniegto pakalpojumu nodrošināšanā. Plašāku informāciju par personas datu apstrādi, lūdzu, skatiet šo noteikumiem un nosacījumi 10. sadaļā.


  1. Cena, maksājumi un piegādes izmaksas

3.1. Preču cenas MozelWeins ir norādītas EUR valūtā. Visas cenas ir norādītas, ieskaitot jebkuru pievienotās vērtības vai citu nodokli. Preces tiek pārdotas par cenām, kas ir spēkā pasūtījuma izveidošanas laikā. Kopējā Piegādes cena var ietvert nodevas. Bankas nodeva var tikt piemērota atkarībā no klienta izmantotās bankas.

3.2.Papildus cenai Klientam būs jāmaksā piegādes maksa par kurjer piegādes pakalpojumiem uz norādīto adresi Rīgā 5 EUR (ieskaitot PVN), ja preču kopējā cena piegādei ir 49,99 EUR vai mazāk. Piegādes maksa nav piemērojama gadījumā, ja kopējā preču cena piegādei pārsniedz 50,00 EUR.

3.3. Papildus cenai Klientam būs jāmaksā piegādes maksa par piegādes pakalpojumiem uz norādīto adresi ārpus Rīgas 20 km rādiusā 7.5EUR (ieskaitot PVN) un vairāk par 20 km rādiusu 12EUR (ieskaitot PVN).

3.4. Klients var norēķināties tikai ar maksājumu metodēm, kas norādītas MozelWeins maksājumu metožu izvēlnē. Maksājums ir jāveic pirms preču saņemšanas.

3.5. Preces tiek komplektētas kartona kastēs vai plastmasas maisos. 


  1. Produktu apkopošana un piegāde

4.1. MozelWeins cenšas darīt visu, lai nodrošinātu, ka katrs pasūtījums tiek pilnībā izpildīts, tomēr pasūtījuma izpildīšanas brīdī dažu produktu nepieejamības dēļ MozelWeins negarantē, ka visi Klienta pasūtītie produkti būs pieejami un tiks piegādāti.

4.2. Piegāde tiks veikta uz adresi, kuru norādījis Klients pasūtījuma veikšanas brīdī. MozelWeins piegādās Klienta pasūtījumu līdz galvenajai ieejai piegādes adresē. Pēc Klienta lūguma piegādātājs var ienest pasūtījumu piegādes adresē, piemēram, uznest uz noteiktu stāvu daudzīvokļu mājā, tikai ja:

  1. piegādātājam ir Klienta piekrišana;
  2. mūsu piegādātājs uzskata, ka izpildīt šādu Klienta lūgumu ir droši un praktiski. MozelWeins vienmēr rezervē sev tiesības piegādāta pasūtījumu līdz adreses galvenajai ieejai.

4.3. Klienta piegādēm uz uzņēmuma adresi, MozelWeins var nodrošināt piegādi tikai līdz uzņēmuma pirmā stāva galvenajai ieejai.

4.4. Tirgotājs piegādā preci tikai pasūtījuma veicējam, kurš sasniedzis vismaz 18 gadu vecumu un ir uzrādījis vecuma apliecinošu dokumentu.  

4.5. Gadījumos, kad mēs piegādājam Klienta pasūtījumu Klienta norādītajā laikā, taču adresē nebūs neviena, kas varēs saņemt pasūtījumu, Klients tiks informēts un Klientam būs nepieciešams sazināties ar mums, lai vienotos par jaunu piegādes laiku. Šādos gadījumos, ja MozelWeins ir jāatgriež pasūtījums, Klientam var būt pienākums maksāt papildus samaksu.

4.6. MozelWeins dara visu iespējamo, lai nodrošinātu, ka Klienta pasūtījums tiek piegādāts nolīgtajā laikā. MozelWeins neuzņemas nekādu atbildību par šī laika neievērošanu daļā vai pilnībā, ja šī atkāpe notikusi Klienta vai citu nenovēršamu apstākļu dēļ.


  1. Kvalitātes garantija un atbildība

5.1. Produkti, kas attēloti MozelWeins, var neatbilst formas un krāsas ziņā saņemtajiem produktiem, Klienta pasūtījuma veikšanai izmantoto tehnisko līdzekļu rakstura dēļ vai citu saprātīgi sagaidāmu neatbilstību dēļ.

5.2. Par visu MozelWeins produktu īpašību informāciju ir atbildīgs produktu izgatavotājs un / vai izplatītājs. MozelWeins ir atbildīgs tikai par šīs informācijas atspoguļošanu Klientiem, ja normatīvie akti neparedz citādi.


  1. Atteikuma Tiesības un Tiesības atteikties

6.1. Klientam ir tiesības vienpusēji izmantot atteikuma tiesības 14 dienu laikā no pasūtījuma saņemšanas. Atteikuma tiesības var tikt izmantotas, kā noteikts normatīvajos aktos, šajos Lietošanas noteikumos un citos attiecināmos MozelWeins izdotajos nosacījumos. Klients ir atbildīgs par izmaksām, kas saistītas ar šādu pasūtījumu atgriešanu.

6.2. MozelWeins ir tiesības pieprasīt, ka Klientam, atsakoties no preces tā jānogādā atpakaļ SPIRITS & WINE veikalā, no kura tika veikta piegāde vai uz kuru norāda MozelWeins klientu apkalpošanas speciālists. Klients sedz visas izmaksas, kas saistītas ar preču atgriešanu.

6.3. Atgriežot preces veikalā, tām ir jābūt bez jekādiem bojājumiem, orģinālajā iepakojumā, neatvērtām, derīguma termiņa ietvaros +1 diena. Ja klients nevar nodrošināt šīs prasības, MozelWeins patur tiesības klientam neizmaksāt naudu par atgrieztajām precēm.

6.4. Ja Klients ir konstatējis pēc pasūtījuma saņemšanas, ka pasūtījumā prece ir bojāta vai/un sliktas kvalitātes, Klients vēršas pie MozelWeins ar pieteikumu, kuram pievieno fotogrāfiju ar bojāto preci un MozelWeins noorganizēs naudas atgriešanu uz Klienta kontu, no kuras tika veikts pirkums. MozelWein patur tiesības Klientam lūgt visu bojāto preci atgriezt veikalā, no kura tika veikta piegāde.


  1. Pasūtījuma atcelšana

7.1. Nopietnu apstākļu gadījumā, MozelWeins var uz laiku vai pilnībā pārtraukt interneta tirdzniecību bez iepriekšējas Klienta informēšanas. Šādos gadījumos, MozelWeins atlīdzinās Klientam summu par nepiegādātajiem pasūtījumiem 10 darba dienu laikā.


  1. Klientu aplakpošana

8.1. Gadījumā, ja Jums rodas kādi jautājumi par iepirkšanos SPIRITS & WINE sazinaties ar mums darba laikā  pa telefonu +371 26728480 vai e-pastu:

  1. Nobeiguma noteikumi un strīdu risināšana

9.1. MozelWeins var vienpusēji veikt izmaiņas šajos Lietošanas noteikumos.

9.2. Šie Lietošanas noteikumi sagatavoti atbilstoši un tos regulā Latvijas Republikas normatīvie akti un visi strīdi pakļauti Latvijas Republikas tiesām.

9.3. Ja Klients uzskata, ka MozelWeins ir pārkāpis šos Lietošanas noteikumus vai citus attiecināmos normatīvos aktus un tas ir ietekmējis Klienta iespējas izmantot savas tiesības un nav iespējams šādu situāciju atrisināt savstarpējās pārrunās, Klients var vērsties ar iesniegumu nacionālajā patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības iestādē – Patērētāju tiesību aizsardzības centrā.

  1. Datu apstrāde un aizsardzība

10.1. Klienta personas dati tiks izmantoti, lai identificētu Klientu un saņemtu pasūtījumu, veiktu pasūtījumu un piegādi, sagatavotu grāmatvedības dokumentus, tai skaitā rēķinu, atmaksātu pārmaksāto summu un atgrieztu summu par atgrieztajiem produktiem, administrētu finansiālos pienākumus un citus pienākumus, kas izriet no šiem Lietošanas noteikumiem un distances līguma, kā arī MozelWeins piedāvāto pakalpojumu izmantošanu. Vairāk informācijas par personas datu apstrādi lūdzu meklējiet privātuma politikā.

General Terms and Conditions
1.Areas of application
1.1. Our sale, delivery and payment terms and conditions apply for all purchasing agreements and offers. These conditions are acknowledged by our customers when they place an order, conclude a contract or accept our delivery. Aberrant terms and conditions set by our customers or delivery service providers, which we do not explicitly accept, are for us without obligation, even if this is not explicitly stated in these terms and conditions.
1.2. Our terms and conditions also apply for follow-up transactions, without the need for an explicit acknowledgement.
2.1.The offer on this online shop is aimed in particular at individuals, institutions, public authorities and companies who require these products for their occupational or professional work.

2.2.Our offers are subject to change without notice, unless agreed otherwise.

2.3.Our online shop is not an offer in legal sense. Contracts come first through customers’ orders and are validated with our written confirmation of order, or through delivery of goods.

2.4.The copyright over our offers, quotations, pictures, etc is held exclusively by Cowix and therefore they must not be accessible to unauthorized third parties or customers. By violation of this condition, we reserve ourselves the right to enforce a claim of compensation and injunctive relief.

2.5.We keep record of the wording of the contract and send you the order information and our terms and conditions by e-mail. Our general terms and conditions are always available on our website. You can review your previous orders in our customer Log-in area.

2.6.You have the ability to complete your purchasing contract in English.

2.7.Cowix is permitted to engage in the performance of contractual obligations as a vicarious agent.


3.1.All prices are understood to be net, plus the statutory value added tax applicable on the day of delivery in the purchaser's country. The VAT is displayed in a separate section on our bills.
In countries outside the EU, additional custom duty charges may apply.

4.Delivery and shipping costs

4.1.You may find our current valid shipping costs in section "Delivery service". All shipping costs are net and subject to the applicable value added tax (VAT).

4.2.If an order is delivered to different addresses, the above rules apply for each address and a separate delivery charge will be applied for each address.

4.3.If not agreed otherwise or explicitly stated in the online shop, we deliver free charge to basement.

4.4.We provide part-delivery service, without increasing the delivery costs for our customers.

5.Terms and conditions of payment

5.1.Payment for the goods shall be made by credit/debit card, bank transfer oe cheque. Where there is a credit agreement, payment for the Goods shall be made within (30 days) of the day upon which the Goods are invoiced by cowix.

5.2.If a payment is delayed beyond the 10-day deadline, we charge an interest of 8% of the respective basic rate. Interests for delay are payable immediately. We can provide evidence, that we ourselves pay a higher standard interest rate for debit balance. We reserve ourselves the right to enforce a claim for damage caused by continuing delay of payment.

6.Reservation of proprietary rights

6.1.The delivered goods remain our possession until full payment is received.

6.2.By distraints caused by third parties- even after amalgamation or processing- as well as any other damage to our rights with respect to goods subject to retention of title, the customer must inform us immediately in written form and also immediately advice the third party about our reservation of proprietary rights.

6.3.The customer is authorized to resale the goods that are subject to retention of title under normal business conditions. Any other act of disposal, especially a pledge, assignment by way of security or abandonment in exchange, is not permitted. The authorization for transfer expires, despite lack of explicit notice, once the customer’s payment is delayed or completely cesses, or by violation of adverse existing commitments, especially regarding the reservation of proprietary rights.

6.4.The customer conveys hereby (in advance) to the requirements regarding the resale of goods subject to retention of title, including all ancillary rights, which accompany these requirements and ensure our security. We accept this assignation hereby. The customer is committed to disclose us the name of the garnishee, if asked to do so.

6.5.The purchaser is revocable authorized to collect receivables of the resale of delivered goods. This authorization expires, even without explicit notice, once the purchaser cesses their payments, or as soon as the payment is delayed. Upon our request, the purchaser is immediately required to inform the garnishee about the assigned receivables and show them the assignation.

6.6.The securities, which are, according to the above terms and conditions, legally entitled to us, are to be, upon request, immediately disclosed to the purchaser, once their realisable value exceeds a total claim of 20%.

7.Returns and returned goods

7.1.Purchased goods which have not been used and are still in their original package can be returned within 14 days of delivery, without having to give a reason for the return. As soon as we receive the phone announcement of the desired return, we will arrange the collection of goods. The goods will be carefully placed into an additional, break-proof package by our customers and sent through a postal parcel service.
Goods, which are posted to us without prior notification of return, will not be accepted. By beneficiary and correct return of the goods, we will refund you the amount invoiced, excluding delivery costs, costs for packing and insurance and other unavoidable expenses.
We explicitly reserve ourselves the right to cover the amount refunded with residual outstanding debits on our part or with allowances from future purchases.

7.2.Sterile articles or other special orders and products manufactured according to customer’s preferences, as well as goods, which are not part of our catalogue, cannot be returned.

8.Notice of defects

8.1.If the purchaser or seller detect any defect on the contract, these have to be immediately reported and corrected, at the latest within 7 days after receiving the goods. Packages have to be checked for regularity immediately after delivery and any defects detected have to be reported to us within 7 days. The detected damages on the package must be reported by the customer in written form through the conveyor.

8.2.The defective goods shall be put to our disposition for inspection by us and must be carefully and appropriately handled and stored, in accordance to the product.

8.3.Claims of defects which are presented in due time and approved by cowix, will be resolved in the way of supplementary performance. The purchaser is only eligible for resignation from the contract, as long as resignation is not legally excluded, or for declining the purchase price, after an unsuccessful procedure of supplementary performance, within their deadline, set in accordance to legal regulations.

8.4.Specimens and samples, as well as the data in our online shop, express only the average situation and performance of the goods. Customary deductable or reasonable variances of the delivered goods are thereof not regarded as a defect and cannot be subject of complaints. Something different applies only for explicit agreements.

8.5.Sterile products or other special orders and products which are individually tailored to customers' specifications as well as products that are not part of our range are excluded from the right of return.

9.Exceptional circumstances, strikes, etc.

9.1.In cases of higher force or other unforeseeable, extraordinary losses and delayed allowances- such as system malfunctioning, strikes, lock-outs, official sanctions, delivery complications, delays in the delivery/supply of essential parts, etc – even when delays arise among our suppliers- the delivery time is extended and a new delivery date is agreed with the customer.

9.2.Should our delivery be impossible, due to the above mentioned exceptional circumstances, we are exempt from the delivery commitment. The same applies by unreasonableness. Upon this, we appoint ourselves to immediately notify the customer or the accepting representative about the above mentioned circumstances. Should the above mentioned occurrences last over 3 months, both we and the purchaser are justified to regress from the contract. An already performed partial-delivery will then count as an independent deal.

9.3.In the case of the previously mentioned circumstances, our customers have no other rights against us, such as the right to claim for damage/inconvenience. This limitation of liability does not apply any more, once a deliberate act of rough negligence or slight negligence about a fundamental contractual commitment is performed by somebody. This limitation of liability does not apply either if damage of the body or health is involved.

10.Place of execution and competent court (of jurisdiction)

10.1.The place where all obligations of the contract agreement from the contractual relationship are fulfilled is London.

10.2.Provided that our customer is a businessman including change- and documentation lawsuits is London. The same applies for disputes, which affect the accomplishment and validity of the contract.

11.Applicable legislation

11.1.The Contract shall be governed and construed in accordance with the Law of England and the Buyer agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England in respect therof.


12.1.The texts, arrangements and image adjustments of the Online shop are copyrighted.  Any reproduction demands have to be explicitly approved by our company.

13.Void in part

13.1.Should one or more of the above mentioned regulations be fully or partially invalid, this will not affect the validity of the remaining policies. The invalid regulation will be replaced by a valid one and the economic purposes will come next.

14.Consumer Settlement / EU Ordinance 524/2013

14.1.As per the EU ordinance No. 524/2013 regarding online dispute resolution in consumer affairs as of January 9th, 2016, the consumer has the ability to settle disputes regarding online sales or service contracts with contractors over an online platform (OS platform). This platform is managed by the EU commission and made accessible through the “Your Europe” portal ( You can reach the platform directly at:
Please note: According to information provided by the EU commission, the OS platform is accessible by consumers as of February 15th, 2016.
Our email address:


15.1.We are liable without limitation for intent and gross negligence.

15.2.We shall only be liable for simple negligence - except in the case of injury to life, body or health–if an obligation is violated, the fulfilment of which is essential for the proper performance of the contract and on whose compliance the customer regularly relies and may rely (cardinal obligation). Liability is limited to contract-typical and foreseeable damage. In the event of breach of a cardinal obligation with regard to the delivery of software, liability is limited to five times the transfer fee and to such damages, the occurrence of which must typically be expected within the framework of a software transfer. The liability for data loss is limited to the typical restoration effort that would have occurred if backup copies had been made regularly and in accordance with the risk.

15.3.Liability for indirect and unforeseeable damage, loss of production and use, loss of profit, loss of savings and pecuniary loss due to third-party claims is excluded in the case of simple negligence–except in the case of injury to life, body or health.

15.4.A further liability than in this contract is excluded–irrespective of the legal nature of the asserted claim. However, the above limitations or exclusions of liability do not apply to a legally mandatory, no-fault liability (e.g. in accordance with the Product Liability Act) or the liability arising from a no-fault guarantee.

15.5.Insofar as liability pursuant to clauses 15.2 and 15.3 is excluded or limited, this shall also apply to the personal liability of our employees, workers, representatives, bodies and vicarious agents.